Intellectual impairment

Many people across NSW are affected by dangerous storms and there have been avoidable deaths due to storm activity. The protection of life is the highest priority for the NSW SES when we make decisions about planning for storms.

People with an intellectual impairment can be more susceptible to the impacts of storms. It is important to care for and assist all people to be prepared for, respond to and recover from storms.

Identifying a support person or carer who can assist with planning for and response to storms can greatly increase the resilience of people with an intellectual impairment to recover faster from storms.

If you care for a person with an intellectual impairment they may need assistance in planning for storms as well as putting that plan into action when storms happen.

  • Identify a support person or carer who can assist in planning for emergencies and people who can assist during storms
  • Utilise a care or support person to develop an emergency plan that suits your situation

StormSafe information on what to do before, during and after a storm is relevant for people with an intellectual impairment. A support person can run through the advice and tips for these areas with the person and assist them in preparing, responding and recovering from storms.

Learn more about storms

Lismore Showground
Lismore Show
Lismore Show Thursday 17/10/2024 09:00 AM to 19/10/2024 04:00 PM
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