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Local information

Clarence Valley

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Clarence Valley
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Clarence Valley

The Clarence River is one of the largest coastal rivers in NSW and has a long history of regular flooding. 
Grafton and Maclean are two of the larger townships on the Clarence River and both have levee systems built to protect them from major flooding.

The local information page provides valuable resources for your Local Government Area (LGA). You can explore flood information for your local river catchment through Local Flood Insights, access local flood plans and guides, and connect with local councils and NSW SES units.

Grafton and South Grafton

In January 2013 the Clarence Valley experienced extensive flooding. This was a flood of record at numerous locations including Grafton. Significant flooding has also occurred in 1890, 1950, 1954, 1963, 1967, 2001 and more recently 2009 and 2011.

Grafton and South Grafton have a series of levees built over the past four decades. In most years, flooding will occur outside this levee system affecting farm properties, some homes and businesses. The current levee system is designed to protect Grafton and South Grafton properties for a flood similar to that experienced in January 2013. This flood resulted in minor overtopping of low points on the levee.

Floods in excess of the levels reached in 2013 are possible and have the potential to cause major impacts on the community including large-scale evacuations. Localised heavy rainfall may cause stormwater ponding in low-lying areas within the current levee system. This is not associated with riverine flooding and is not dependent on the Clarence River being in flood.

During times of flood the local road network may experience disruption and access routes may be closed. These closures can include the Big River Way, Gwydir Highway, Orara Way, Summerland Way and other local roads.


Lawrence is located on the north bank of the Clarence Valley at the junction with Sportmans Creek, approximately half way between Brushgrove and Maclean. The majority of the town does not flood, however there are residential and non-residential properties that may experience over-floor flooding and some residents may need to evacuate.

The periods of isolation for these areas can vary depending on the size and duration of the flood. Any residents wanting to leave the area would need to do so before the onset of flooding causes local road closures.

Coutts Crossing and Nymboida

The Orara and Nymboida Rivers flow through narrow valleys and are prone to regular flooding. Towns like Coutts Crossing and Nymboida, located near these rivers, are above major flood levels. However, surrounding areas can become isolated when local roads close due to floodwaters. Affected areas include Middle Creek, Lower Kangaroo Creek, and others near Coutts Crossing, as well as Buccarumbi and Billy's Creek near Nymboida.

The duration of isolation varies with the severity of the flood, so residents must evacuate before roads become impassable.

Local Flood Insights

The Local Flood Insights tool offers an overview of flood-prone areas, historic flood events, and modelled flood risks through detailed maps, data and community stories. This website-based platform combines flood inundation mapping, photos and personal accounts from local residents about the impacts of past floods and ways to prepare for future floods.

This information is useful to community members, travellers, or anyone wanting to learn more about local flooding. Explore NSW SES Local Flood Insights to make informed decisions about flood safety and preparedness.

Select a river catchment below to view the Local Flood Insight for each corresponding catchment area. To see all catchment areas, visit the Local Flood Insights page.

Local SES units

Brushgrove Unit

Short Street , Brushgrove, NSW 2460

Clarence Coffs Capability Unit

26 Induna St , South Grafton, NSW 2460

Copmanhurst Unit

15 Prescott Street , Junction Hill, NSW 2460

Coutts Crossing Unit

51 Kangaroo Ck Rd , Coutts Crossing, NSW 2460

Grafton City Unit

Irene Street , Grafton, NSW 2460

Lawrence Unit

59 High Street , Lawrence, NSW 2460

Maclean Unit

74 River Street , Maclean, NSW 2463

Ulmarra Unit

20 Coldstream Street , Ulmarra, NSW 2462

Wooli-Yuraygir Unit

Wooli Road , Wooli, NSW 2462

Yamba Unit

34 Fair Trader Drive , Yamba, NSW 2464

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