For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Access to mySES

mySES is our internal website which is your single source of truth for information.

To access go to mySES and login with your member email address and password. Not sure what your password is? Go to Password SES.

If you are experiencing issues or need to report a problem please raise a Service Desk ticket by calling 1800 680 737.

Reset your password

Go to Password SES and follow the steps below.

Step 1

Click the ‘Reset Password’ link on the left-hand side of the page.

Rest password

Step 2

Enter your member number or NSW SES email address into the Domain User Name field. Then simply click continue.

Step 3

You will be presented with a set of verification options based on your registration settings. Most users will see a page similar to below where a verification code can be sent to either an email address or mobile phone number (SMS). Select the corresponding email or phone number, type the characters you see in the picture (captcha code/distorted letters), then click continue.


Step 4

The verification code will be sent to your email or phone. This could take several minutes. When it arrives please enter the number, fill in the captcha code and click continue.

Step 5

You can now reset your password. Please enter a new password twice that meets the required complexity, fill in the captcha code and click Reset Password. This can take several minutes so please don’t refresh the page till you see that both your active directory and Office365 has been successfully reset.

Successful reset password

If one or both has a fail shown by a red cross, please raise a Service Desk ticket by calling 1800 680 737. You can also have your password reset over the phone at the same time.

Access your emails

Office365-based emails now require you to manually sign in using your member email and password. This follows changes made by Microsoft which have prevented automatic sign-in using the member email button.

Login to Microsoft Outlook and follow the steps to sign in.