For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Know your risk

Identify the hazards that could impact your business. Visit the Local information page or your Local Council to find out about recent events in your area.

Know the warnings

Download the NSW Hazards Near Me App and set areas (Watch Zones) to receive notifications about emergency events that impact your area. Take time to understand the following alert levels and the action statements with these:

  • Advice
  • Watch and Act
  • Emergency Warning

The Bureau of Meteorology weather forecasts and warnings is a good source of information. They will issue Watches, Warnings and Cancellations for flood, severe weather, thunderstorms and tsunami.

You may not always receive an official warning. Look out for natural signs of flood, storm and tsunami.

Make a plan

Having a plan can:

  • Increase the safety of your employees.
  • Potentially reduce damage and associated costs to your business.
  • Ensure you get back on your feet in the quickest possible timeframe.

Your plan can include the following:

Prepare your business

Take actions to secure your business. Raising or relocating stock, securing windows or sandbagging may reduce the impact.

Who to tell

All stakeholders need to be involved. Employees, customers, deliveries, suppliers and all other stakeholders. Consider the needs of employees who may need to travel or who cannot get to the business location. They may also need to prepare their homes, care for children or animals.

What to take

Relocate what you can and secure what has to stay. Ensure all files are backed up and stored at a different, safe location.

When to go

What actions will you take for each Emergency Warning level. Know when roads may be cut and plan to leave before they close. You be given little time to prepare to evacuate so thinking about how to protect your business now, can save a lot of time and money when there is an emergency.

Visit the Develop an emergency management plan to create a business emergency plan.

Get ready and take safe actions

  • Practice your plan, making sure your employees and stakeholders are aware of their roles and responsibilities during emergencies.
  • Ensure training and communication strategies exist round these processes.

Follow advice and make safe decisions

In the situation of a flood, storm or tsunami you may need to:

  • Ensure all employee and customer safety.
  • Undertake emergency management plan procedures.
  • Prioritise essential business functions.
  • Activate backup systems.
  • Implement effective communication – listen to local media and emergency services.
  • Prepare and relocate stock and equipment.
  • Secure or protect business property.
  • Follow all advice from Emergency Services.
  • Keep listening to media outlets for information, updates and advice.

Seek assistance and rebuild for the future

Recovering from disasters will vary, depending on the nature and extent of the event. Things to consider are as follows:

Assess damage and any losses.

Keep staff, customers and stakeholders informed. Transparent communication is encouraged.

Activate your Business Recovery Plan.

Seek financial assistance if required. Service NSW, Local or State Governments may be able to assist depending on the event.

Contact your insurer if applicable.

Conduct feedback sessions with your staff, customers and stakeholders. Identify what worked well, what did not, and identify the areas of improvement or change. Make any necessary changes to your Emergency Plan.

Consider the emotional and support needs of your employees who may have been impacted by the event. Offer counselling services where required.

Connect with the wider community to see who and where you can support.

Visit the Service NSW Disaster and emergency assistance for business for further information.