For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Unit volunteer

Every NSW SES volunteer is part of a team of over 10,000 highly-trained professionals across the state who share a commitment to helping their communities. NSW SES volunteers come from all walks of life and bring a wide range of skills, experiences and backgrounds to the roles they perform.

Role types

Storm and flood damage volunteer

Storm and flood damage volunteers assist with property protection and temporary repairs.

Unit leadership positions

Leading and supporting a team of volunteers to undertake their specialist roles.

Incident management team

Planning and managing teams and operations during incidents.

Vertical rescue operator

Vertical rescue operators use specialist skills to rescue people and animals trapped at heights and depths.

Road crash and rescue operator

Providing rescue services and assisting NSW Police and NSW Ambulance at motor vehicle accidents.

Alpine search and rescue

Assist the NSW Police with searches for missing persons in alpine areas of NSW SES.

Media liaison officer

Work with media agencies and manage social media profiles to inform your community and keep residents safe.

Flood rescue operator

Flood rescue operators assist during floods with evacuation of residents and rescue of people and animals from floodwaters.

NSW SES Open day

Work with local communities, stakeholders, influencers and other organisations to build relationships and networks.

Community first responder

Providing advanced first aid at road accidents and emergencies in areas without nearby ambulance services.

Bush serach and rescure volunteers walking in the bush

Assist the NSW Police with searches for missing persons in rugged and remote areas of NSW.

Be part of a great team as a Unit Volunteer with NSW SES

There are lots of roles that you can do depending on what you like and what you want to learn. Whether providing on-the-ground support, assisting in operational support roles or raising community awareness through education programs, there are many ways to be part of NSW SES.

NSW SES has a spectrum of membership options and includes members who attend training every week, to those who maintain their skills and attend only when required. It includes members with specific skills, and members who have a more diverse skill set. The spectrum is broad to encourage a diverse volunteer workforce with the skills and experience required to meet community needs.


Meet Daniel Doody, a Unit Volunteer with the NSW SES

Other volunteer types

Community Action Team volunteers

Community Action Teams provide smaller communities and groups with an opportunity to volunteer with the NSW SES.

Spontaneous volunteers

Spontaneous Volunteers are community members who volunteer in one-off events to support the NSW SES during emergencies.

Learn more about volunteering

The NSW SES is committed to developing our members, so they can help save lives and protect communities during emergencies.

Interested in learning more about volunteering with the NSW SES? We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help.