For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Volunteering type

Work with media agencies and manage social media profiles to inform your community and keep residents safe.

Fitness level


Time requirements

During weather events

What's involved in this role

Some of the roles involved with media include: 

  • Liaising with local media outlets to develop networks. 
  • Writing media releases.
  • Capturing photographs and videos in the field.
  • Providing comment and interviews for local media. 
  • Managing social media profiles.
  • Promoting local NSW SES events and activities. 
  • Briefing the unit controller on activities so that they can talk to the media. 
  • Writing articles and editorial for local papers, newsletters and bulletins. 
  • Promoting the unit locally.

What you will love

  • Promote the best of the NSW SES to the public.
  • Develop self-confidence and public speaking.
  • Travel across NSW to assist during major operations.

Unit locations with this capability

Available at all units. Trained members with media experience are often deployed to assist with operations in other parts of NSW.

Are you ready to join as a volunteer?

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