For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Factors that shape places


In this teaching resource, students in Stage 3 can use geographical tools to build understanding of the natural features of the environment of the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley, the effects of these features on the flooding of places and the impacts of floods on people in those places.

Students investigate water movement and flows through 3D modelling and apply their understanding when investigating interconnections in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley. Students interpret geographical data and information presented in maps, graphs, videos and infographics to further their understanding of influences of the natural environment on places and people, with a focus on flood risk and flood preparedness actions.

In response to their inquiry, students design and develop a game that reinforces good decisions for flood preparedness and good choices for flood safety. There are three learning sequences, each containing three or four teaching and learning activities that support Stage 3 Syllabus outcomes.

Geography K-10 syllabus outcomes

  • GE3-1 describes the diverse features and characteristics of places and environments
  • GE3-2 explains interactions and connections between people, places and environments
  • GE3-4 acquires, processes and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry

It will flood again in the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley

NSW SES Storm and Flood Volunteers

Aims and focus of the project

This resource is part of a broader program to engage young people and to empower them to be part of an aware, prepared and responsive community. It is designed to help teachers, students and schools understand the flood risk, develop strategies in preparation for hazards and to build resilience.

The aim is to provide teachers and schools with a free online resource that would become a key component of the Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6) Geography Syllabus in NSW. Although specifically considering the Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley, the resource aims to add value and support learning for schools across the state and perhaps the country. Flooding is a significant event in the Australian landscape. The project’s aims have wide relevance:

  • Increasing students’ knowledge of and familiarity with geographical terms
  • Raising awareness and understanding of flood risk
  • Developing practical strategies for managing flood hazards and, most importantly,
  • Doing this from a positive aspect that builds resilience and coping mechanisms.

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