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Strong winds lash South Eastern NSW


NSW State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers have had a busy morning responding to more than 500 incidents of fallen trees, damaged roofs and fallen powerlines, as strong winds lash south eastern parts of the state. 

NSW State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers have had a busy morning responding to more than 500 incidents of fallen trees, damaged roofs and fallen powerlines, as strong winds lash south eastern parts of the state.

Incidents of note:

  • Petrol Station at Gwynneville- roofing blown off
  • Roof blown off building at Catalina
  • Large tree blocking Northcliffe Drive and Princes Motorway
  • Sussex Inlet tree down on house
  • Wollongong - Spotlight building at Wollongong – window frame came out and hit pedestrian
  • Tomakin- 3 pine trees down on house
  • Bowral – large gazebo landed on vehicle
  • Wollongong – Road closed for structural damage to commercial building at Rawson Street

Wind is averaging 60km/h, however gusts of 113km/h were recorded at Port Kembla this afternoon.

NSW SES Deputy State Duty Commander, Chief Superintendent Dallas Burnes said strong winds were forecast to continue into Wednesday evening.

“We’re expecting strong winds and severe weather to continue to impact parts of the south coast, Illawarra, north eastern parts of Sydney and the central coast and Hunter,” Chief Superintendent Burnes said.

“During strong winds, we strongly advise people to remain indoors and away from trees and powerlines.

“People should safely secure any loose items around their properties, if they haven’t already, so they don’t become projectiles in this damaging wind. We’ve already been called to secure trampolines that have blown onto roads and footpaths.”

Chief Superintendent Burnes said the majority of calls today have been for fallen trees and damaged roofs.

“More than 400 of the incidents responded to today were for fallen trees,” he said.

“Fortunately our crews have been quick to respond along with our emergency service partners and clean-up is either underway or already completed in most instances.”

If you need assistance from the NSW SES call 132 500, or in life threatening situations call Triple Zero (000).