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NSW SES Operational Update 16 January 2025


NSW SES have received more than 2250 calls and responded to more than 1800 incidents in the last 24 hours (to 5am) as severe weather lashed many parts of the state.

Media release

Editor’s note vision from Wagga Wagga and interview with Superintendent Shane Hargrave is available here:

NSW SES have received more than 2250 calls and responded to more than 1800 incidents in the last 24 hours (to 5am) as severe weather lashed many parts of the state.

A man in his 80s died at Cowra after a tree fell on his vehicle. Four people were injured at Bomen after their demountable huts flipped in the wind.

Significant damage and widespread power outages occurred as trees toppled powerlines, fell on homes and fences.

The majority of the incidents were for fallen trees, powerlines and damaged properties.

Across NSW more than 143,000 power connections have experienced power outages.

Significant incidents: 
Carlingford – roof ripped off property, 14 people required alternative accommodation. 
St Leonard’s- Large Tree impacting hospital
Castle Hill – person was trapped in car after fallen tree. 
Bowen – 4 people injured after demountable huts flipped

Incidents by zone:

Metro Zone- 679
North Eastern Zone- 5
North Western Zone – 31
Northern Zone – 498
South Eastern Zone – 129
Southern Zone – 274
Western Zone – 219
State Headquarters- 9
Total 1844

Weather prognosis
Scattered showers and severe storms are expected to continue today, particularly in the east and north east of the state.  Locally heavy rain, flash flooding, hail and damaging winds are expected to continue this afternoon.

Severe thunderstorms are set to combine with a low pressure weather system that is expected to bring locally significant rain from Thursday, through to Saturday. Widespread rain  of 30-80 millimeters is expected, with some localised higher totals between 100-200 millimeters of rain possible. Friday is estimated to be the peak day for rain. 

A flood watch has been issued by the Bureau of Meteorology with Minor Flooding possible for the:  Orara, Coffs Coast,   Bellinger and Kalang River Catchments,  Manning and Gloucester,  Myall River,  Karuah River,  Wollombi Brook and Lower Hunter,  Paterson and Williams Rivers.

For the latest warning and information visit or download the Hazards Near Me App.  

Safety messages

  • Stay away from fallen trees and powerlines 
  • If you come across a flooded road, please turn around and find an alternative route. Never drive, walk or play in flood waters.  
  • Flash flooding can occur suddenly and without an official warning. Monitor rainfall in your areas and avoid travelling during heavy rain.  
  • Avoid camping near water and under trees as rivers and creeks could rise quickly and without much warning.