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NSW SES launches regional volunteer recruitment campaign


Increasing volunteer numbers in regional locations is the focus of a new campaign being launched by the NSW State Emergency Service (SES).

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Increasing volunteer numbers in regional locations is the focus of a new campaign being launched by the NSW State Emergency Service (SES).

The 2024 volunteer recruitment campaign was officially launched in Wagga Wagga earlier today (Wednesday 6 March 2024) by NSW SES Commissioner Carlene York APM and Minister for Emergency Services Jihad Dib.

The campaign, which includes advertisements across digital media, social media and regional newspapers, encourages people from all walks of life to consider joining the NSW SES.

There is a strong focus on key regional locations, particularly those who have been affected by extreme weather events in recent times.

Minister Dib is encouraging the community to consider donning the orange.

“We have seen the amazing work our NSW SES volunteers do for their communities,” Minister Dib said.

“Whether it’s rescuing someone trapped in a flooded vehicle, assisting police and other emergency services with bush searches and road crashes, or tarping a roof after an intense storm, our SES volunteers are there and ready to help.

“I would encourage anyone who is considering volunteering to check out what the NSW SES has to offer.”

Commissioner York said there are many benefits to volunteering with the NSW SES.

“Volunteering gives you the opportunity to make lifelong friends, learn new skills and improve your physical and mental health,” Commissioner York said.

The campaign uses the tagline ‘everyone counts’ to showcase the importance of all volunteer roles across the agency.

“Our volunteers come from all walks of life, bringing with them many different skills, interests and backgrounds,” Commissioner York said.

“We offer incredible training opportunities for all ages and abilities. Our volunteers do everything from using chainsaws to cut fallen trees, to performing logistics or intelligence roles in an incident management team.

“There is a role for everyone at the NSW SES, which is one of the greatest benefits of joining as a volunteer.”

For more information on how to join the NSW SES visit