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NSW SES hosts southern zone leadership workshop


The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) hosted a leadership workshop for its Southern Zone members at Wagga Wagga over the weekend.



The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) hosted a leadership workshop for its Southern Zone members at Wagga Wagga over the weekend.

The workshop was attended by over 100 members and presenters from across Southern New South Wales and included sessions on change leadership, emergency planning, risk management and personal resilience.

The workshop also included updates from the NSW Reconstruction Authority, Bureau of Meteorology and guest presentations from Deputy State Welfare Coordinator Samantha Colwell, of Department of Communities and Justice and Detective Inspector Jill Gibson, of Riverina Police District.

NSW SES Chief Superintendent Southern Zone Commander, Ben Pickup, said the workshop improved the knowledge and readiness of NSW SES Southern Zone Unit Leaders.

“The leadership workshop enhanced the expertise of our Southern Zone members. It provided attendees with new skills and fresh perspectives in change management, leadership, effective planning and resilience, so that they can be better equipped to tackle the myriad of challenges we are faced with,” Chief Superintendent Pickup said.

“Attendees heard directly from senior NSW SES members and other leading professionals in rescue operations, enhancing their capabilities and working relationships with each other.

“The increased level of cooperation and proficiencies leads to safer and more effective outcomes for our communities, which is always our end goal."