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NSW SES crews assist in successful search for missing bushwalker in Blue Mountains


Specialist Bush Search and Rescue members from the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) successfully located a missing bushwalker in the Blue Mountains on Saturday.

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Specialist Bush Search and Rescue members from the NSW State Emergency Service (SES) successfully located a missing bushwalker in the Blue Mountains on Saturday.

In challenging conditions and heavy rain, 15 SES members assisted NSW Police to search off Valley Road in Katoomba for a 38-year-old woman who had gotten lost on a bushwalk.

NSW SES Bush Search and Rescue Deputy Unit Commander, Senior Group Officer Caro Ryan said it was a good outcome for everyone involved, and said the woman was able to walk out with volunteers.

“We located her in bushland near Katoomba and helped warm her up because she had been out in the cold and rain overnight,” Senior Group Officer Ryan said.

“One of our NSW SES volunteers is also a paramedic and was able to assess the woman, but she had no injuries and was able to walk out with us.”

The woman was reported missing at about 11.30am on Friday and was found by NSW SES members at 10.30am on Saturday.

Senior Group Officer Ryan said the Bush Search and Rescue Unit was often called in to assist with searches.

“Our members are experienced bushwalkers, canyoners and rock climbers who bring specialised skills in remote and rugged areas,” she said.

“We are highly trained in search techniques, remote communications and have extensive knowledge of the popular walking tracks in the Blue Mountains.

“We know the areas people often get lost, the mountain passes and the tricky pinches.”