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Lightning Ridges SES Unit opens its doors to community, celebrates cultural connections


The Lightning Ridge SES Unit opened its doors to the wider community at the weekend, celebrating connections to Country and the dedication of its indigenous members during a flag raising ceremony.

Three Lightning Ridge SES volunteers stand together, smiling as they cut into a large cake

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The Lightning Ridge SES Unit opened its doors to the wider community at the weekend, celebrating connections to Country and the dedication of its indigenous members during a flag raising ceremony.

 Local volunteers and staff were acknowledged for their ongoing efforts and commitment to improving indigenous cultural connections.

 Minister for Emergency Services, Jihad Dib, said he was extremely grateful for the work SES members do for Far West communities.

 "This day was all about celebrating the extraordinary dedication and selfless efforts of the Lightning Ridge SES Unit. It’s a great opportunity for the local community to see the incredible work that SES members do in helping the community in floods and storms,” Minister Dib said.

 “The community are showing great support for the Lightning Ridge unit with 15 new members joining and giving up their time when they are needed to provide essential help.” 

 NSW SES Assistant Commissioner Sean Kearns said it was great to celebrate local members while opening the door to the Lightning Ridge community.

 “It’s very exciting to be able to come together to not only showcase our local facility, but celebrate the dedicated work of our indigenous volunteers,” Assistant Commissioner Kearns said.

 “Lightning Ridge is a small unit but plays an integral role in the local and surrounding communities, providing support and essential services to people in need.”

The day included an Aboriginal flag raising ceremony, a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony and a traditional dance performance by local school children.

 NSW SES Lightning Ridge Deputy Unit Commander Cindy Ashby said the day represented all the indigenous people in the community and members of the SES.

 “It helps communicate with the indigenous people in the community so that we can understand the way we live out here and help protect the land,” Senior Group Officer Ashby said.

 “My favourite part about volunteering is helping the community and fostering family. It really is an orange family, and I’ve gained more family members as a result.

“Most of the community is elderly so us younger ones can come in and give them a hand when they need it.”

The Lightning Ridge SES Unit has gained 15 new members in the last 12 months, with 28 active volunteers providing essential support to the community. The unit has responded to 44 incidents this year and a total of 117 calls over the past three years.