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Clean up continues following destructive winds


NSW State Emergency Service volunteers will be active today cleaning up following damaging storms.

NSW SES volunteer cleaning up damaged trees after destructive winds

Editors note:  vision and images available here:  

NSW State Emergency Service volunteers will be active today cleaning up following damaging storms. 

Across NSW yesterday there were 278 incidents, including 81 incidents in the Sydney area, 50 in southern NSW and 49 in Western NSW. 

At Carinda, a small town of 93 residents near Walgett, destructive winds destroyed roofs at three commercial properties including the local pub, pizza shop and general store, as well as three private residents. The strong wind downed power poles disrupting electricity supply. Debris from damaged buildings, trees and fences is widespread. 
There have been widespread reports of power outages in western and southern parts of the state. 

The NSW SES is advising residents to keep clear damaged buildings, fallen trees and powerlines. Do not go sightseeing, as this may hinder recovery efforts and put you and others at risk.  Check to see if your neighbours need help, and if you need assistance please call the NSW SES on 132 500.

Storms have mostly moved away from densely populated areas, however there will be scattered showers and thunderstorms throughout Monday. Severe thunderstorms are possible in the north east of NSW today.

Breakdown of incidents by zone:

  • Metro Zone: 81
  • North Eastern Zone: 7
  • Northern Zone:38
  • North Western Zone: 5
  • South Eastern Zone: 30
  • Southern Zone: 50
  • Western Zone: 49