Local Councils

Contact your local council for information about:

  1. property-specific flood information showing impacts on properties, roads and parks adjacent to rivers, creeks and watercourses
  2. local road closures due to flooding and storm debris
  3. local planning approval guidelines and planning controls due to flooding
  4. waste collection following a storm
  5. storm water and drainage management
  6. coastal erosion

Some of this information may be available on council websites.

The North West Region extends from the NSW/QLD border in the north, south to include Glen Innes Lake Copeton and Bingara. It includes Tenterfield and surrounds in the east and Mungindi and Mogil Mogil in the west.

Contact details for your local councils in the North West Region are listed below:


Orange Showground
Orange Show
Orange Show Saturday 27/04/2024 09:00 AM to 27/04/2024 06:00 PM
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