For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Local information

Yass Valley

Not set
Local Government Area
Yass Valley
River catchments
Lachlan River
Lake George
Murrumbidgee River
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Yass Valley

Flood, storm and tsunami (natural hazards) can happen at any time in NSW. It is important to be aware of the risks in your area to help you to plan, prepare, respond and recover effectively. Understanding past and potential future hazards in your area helps you to make informed decisions that can reduce the impact on individuals, families, businesses and communities.

The local information page provides valuable resources for your Local Government Area (LGA). You can explore flood information for your local river catchment through Local Flood Insights, access local flood plans and guides, and connect with local councils and NSW SES units.

You can also stay updated with the latest news and events in your area and find useful links to help you and your community prepare for emergencies.

Local Flood Insights

The Local Flood Insights tool offers an overview of flood-prone areas, historic flood events, and modelled flood risks through detailed maps, data and community stories. This website-based platform combines flood inundation mapping, photos and personal accounts from local residents about the impacts of past floods and ways to prepare for future floods.

This information is useful to community members, travellers, or anyone wanting to learn more about local flooding. Explore NSW SES Local Flood Insights to make informed decisions about flood safety and preparedness.

Select a river catchment below to view the Local Flood Insight for each corresponding catchment area. To see all catchment areas, visit the Local Flood Insights page.

Local plans and guides

Local SES units

Sutton Unit

19 Victoria Road , Sutton, NSW 2620

Yass Unit

1410 Yass Valley Way , Yass, NSW 2582

Latest News

Media release
The NSW SES is urging residents across NSW to brace for more storms into Friday afternoon and into the weekend.
Media release
Severe thunderstorms on Thursday afternoon and evening impacted many areas including Sydney, the Hunter, Illawarra, Central West Tablelands, North West Slopes and Plains districts.
Media release
NSW State Emergency Service (SES) is warning afternoon storms will continue over the next several hours.