For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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For fire emergencies, call Triple Zero (000).

The NSW SES main responsibilities are flood, storm and tsunami emergencies. NSW SES also provides the majority of general rescue effort in the rural parts of the state.

This includes:

  • Road accident rescue
  • Vertical rescue
  • Bush search and rescue
  • Evidence searches (both metropolitan and rural) and other forms of specialist rescue that may be required due to local threats.

NSW SES also assists other emergency services when they are performing major operations.

These services include:

Hazards Near Me NSW app

Hazards Near Me NSW is now live

You can find current information about local emergencies on Hazards Near Me. The app shows information provided from emergency services on:

  • bush fires
  • floods
  • tsunamis
  • advice on what to do to stay safe.

The app also provides other warnings and activities in your area:

  • fire danger ratings
  • total fire bans
  • hazard reduction activities.

The app can send you push notifications when there are new incidents or when information changes.

Visit the Hazard Near Me to view emergency warnings and advice for fires, floods, storms and tsunamis in NSW. 

View real-time warnings by downloading the Hazards Near Me App and setting your watch zones.

Download for iOS  | Download for Android

Bushfire Information

During bushfires it is important to monitor conditions and keep up to date with the latest emergency information.

BushFire Information Line

1800 679 737
or visit

NSW RFS on social media

Information about NSW RFS incidents, events and activities:

Visit Live Traffic or call 132 701 to receive live updates, traveller information and personalised alerts for NSW roads. Download the Live Traffic app to receive information and live maps for the latest road information.

Download for iOS | Download for Android

Power outages

Contact your energy provider. Visit the Electricity, gas and water safety page for more information on power outages.

Local land services

Call 1800 814 647 for local land services.

Disaster assistance

Call 1800 018 444 for disaster assistance.