For emergency assistance during a flood, storm or tsunami, call NSW SES on 132 500   In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).
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Our zones and units

NSW SES has divided NSW into 7 zones to allow us to effectively manage our organisation and provide a responsive service across the state. There are over 260 units across the state. 

Person scrolling through an NSW SES zones map on a tablet.

Our zones

NSW SES is made up of seven (7) Zones. 

Metro Zone, Northern Zone, North Eastern Zone, North Western Zone, Southern Zone, South Eastern Zone, Western Zone. Each Zone is managed by a Zone Commander, supported by Deputy Zone Commanders and a Zone Team. 

The Metro Zone Commander, Southern Zone Commander and South Eastern Zone Commander report to the Assistant Commissioner Metro & South Operations, while the remaining four Zone Commanders report to the Assistant Commissioner North & West Operations, with both based at State Headquarters.

NSW SES Zone Map

NSW SES Headquarters

93–99 Burelli Street, 
Wollongong 2500
NSW, Australia

Phone: 02 4251 6111
Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday – Friday